3 Alarm Tree Rescue Blog

Prepping to Plant
Prepping to Plant More than Digging a Hole Planting a tree involves more than digging a hole and tossing in young trees you bought on

Mulch Do’s and Don’ts
Mulch Do’s and Don’ts Many professional landscapers use a method called volcano mulching. You’ve likely seen it done to trees in cities and towns, as

Fireworks and Trees
Fireworks and Trees It’s Firework Season It’s that time of year, when families gather to celebrate Independence Day with food and fireworks. Some enjoy displays

Emerald Ash Borer
Emerald Ash Borer Background The Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an exotic beetle from Asia that feeds on ash tree foliage, usually in small, irregularly-shaped

Stump Grinding
Stump Grinding What’s Left? What remains after a tree has been properly removed is the unsightly stump. And if you have a stump on your

3 Reasons to Leave Tree Work to the Professionals
3 Reasons Homeowners Should Leave Tree Work to the Professionals Hey, DIYers! For the “do-it-yourself” homeowner, outsourcing tree work to professionals may seem like an